Saturday, July 4, 2009

My Last Post ...

Hi! Everyone
this is my last post, I'm going to talk about my experience in blog posting. Is so sad that this is my last post of this course and I started to get used to write every week on my blog.

At first it was difficult to me write because I don't have the skills to make a good post: I was kind a bored of using so much the translator for every word that I want to use, so it became hard to me keep the ideas going on and it doesn't like me so in the beginning it was a boring job.
After that and with some new knowledge in vocabulary I started to do it faster. At the end it likes me a lot, because it was a new way of learning and applying the English language. It was my first time in an English class writing in a blog, so it was a new experience, and a different kind of learning.
One of the things that I like of writing in this blog is comment the post of my classmates and friends because in that way I learned more about them.
So its time to finish, this post; I hope that everyone enjoy with the things that I write here and learn new things about me and my expectative of life.

Kisses for everyone!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hii!! Today I’m going to talk about my ideal job would be. It’s really difficult to speak about a ideal job because for to work in my ideal job I would have other qualities or skill. My ideal job is a career related to the engineering. I like this career because have mathematics that although this isn’t between my skills or qualities for me is the science more perfect that I know. I would have abstract thinking. Also I would have capacity analytic among others skills or qualities.
In really I don´t know If I were good in this job because I don’t have the skills or qualities that I need. But assuming that this was the case I suppose I would be good because I like the subject or for other reason.
I think that it wouldn’t be difficult to find this kind of job because this career in this moment it’s much requested. So I think that this isn’t a problem on the contrary this would be a benefit because I would be several options in the moment that I look for job. But as I told before I don’t know if I were good or if I like the job in really.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hii!! Today I’m going to criticize a post of the Karen because I think that to criticize this blog in particular is very well because the theme of the post is very interesting. The post is called “it is time to change the education”.
The post talks about on the oration “Do Schools kill Creativity”. When I heard this oration I like it a lot. When I read the post I wanted to follow speaking about this theme.
The critical I apparently it very successful because according to me she understand the idea of author. Also she understands the character urgent that he give it to the oration. She haves a goodly power of analysis.
The Karen’s blog in really is very nice because you can tell that she worry for her blog. The colors are very female. Each post is accompanied by a photo. Maybe she would change the structure of her blog because I don´t like the structure much.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hii!! In this ocassion I am going to do a criticize on “Do schools kill creativity” by Ken Robinson.
Ken Robinson´s talk is very interesting because he questions how would be the education in the young for a better learning.
He saids that the mistake of the public education is teach mathematics for example, since the children begins the school but others subjects for example danza, in the public education is look as not significant for the future.
This mistake is very notable because limit the creativity in the kids. Also he said that this mistake is produced because to the children in the public education said that the mistake is bad. So the children afraid of the mistake. If the children no mistake lose the originality. I think that Robinson is in the correct because the education would be integral. The education should contain different science. The education can`t restrict the originality.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hii!! I’m Consuelo. This is my new blog because my previous blog is bad.
If I could change one thing in Chilean politics I think that would be the politics party because I think that the causes grand of the corruption in the Chilean Politics are the alliance for to arrive the power.
When a politics party forgets the dreams, the ideals, constructive criticizes between others the politics party to become an obstruction for the correct form of governs. Because they are most worried for to arrive the power that for to serve the country. When those happen the politics party doesn’t serve to government or to administration of country because the politics party has that to fight for the country’s progress.
I think that If I could change Chilean politics this would be best. The country would be achieving the progress in every subject. The political would be making your work.


Friday, May 29, 2009

My friends

Hii!! I’m Consuelo. This is my new blog because my previous blog is bad. I'm going to talk about of my best friends a theme that I like so much. But the truth to think in somebody in particular is really hard because If I think in friends I remember some different people that I have ticked in my heart but in this moment we aren't together. Also If I think in my best friends I remember people very important for me but I know recently as my friends of university.
So I'm going to talk about my friends of school for to make more short this theme.
In this photo are: Karina, Paulina, Daniela, Pety, Xiomara among other friends.
I have a friendship since more 6 years ago. We have in common that all we were in the school Hispanoamericano. They are so special as seen on photo. I like my friends because they are very different but all we love ourselves. We like to go party together or to talk of our lifes or of our dating etc.
